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Daily virtual support for your complex patients

Extending your care between visits


Making care easier for your patients and your practice

  • Supporting your care plan

    We teach your patients to better self-manage their conditions and follow your instructions between visits. The Ibis Program drives 85% care plan adherence with goal-based self-management support and coaching.

  • Engaged patients are happy patients

    Engaging your patients in their daily care plan activities results in stable health and greater independence, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty to your practice.

  • Ibisputs you in control 

    We help make your clinical time more efficient by increasing adherence and visibility into patient status via remote monitoring and support between visits. 

A virtual care program that grows with your practice

Expanding services to include remote monitoring and behavioral health integration means better support for patients and achievement of population health goals

85% adherence to care plans


37% fewer hospital admissions

94% recommend Ibis Health

“If we can call a patient ahead of time, before their systems worsen, that saves a lot of time and the patient does better."

How can we help?